Alma Ayón
Artist & Meditation Teacher

I’m a Contemplative Painter, certified teacher of Meditation, Yoga and Cultivating Emotional Balance. I have a Masters degree in Psychology with a Diploma on Educational Psychology and a certification as an Art Therapist. Studied Buddhist philosophy and did several retreats in the traditions of Tibetan, Theravada, and Zen Buddhism. I lead workshops, courses and retreats on meditation and art.
Soy una pintora contemplativa, Maestra certificada de Meditación y Cultivo del Balance Emocional. Tengo una Maestría en Psicología con un Diploma en Psicología Educativa y una certificación en Arte Terapia. Estudié filosofía budista, realicé varios retiros en las tradiciones del budismo tibetano, theravada y zen. Imparto cursos, talleres y retiros de meditación y arte.
I love painting contemplative abstract art that reflects my meditations, calligraphy, mandalas and Ink minimalist paintings to connect with my spiritual path. I also create realist drawings and paintings on watercolor to reflect the world around me.
Me encanta pintar arte abstracto contemplativo que refleje mis meditaciones, caligrafía, mandalas y pinturas minimalistas en tinta para conectarme con mi camino espiritual. También creo dibujos y pinturas realistas en acuarela para reflejar el mundo que me rodea.

Art Classes & Workshops
I teach classes and workshops on different media for drawing, abstract painting, watercolor, clay, etc. in which I guide my students toward the source of their creativity, helping them find motivation and meaning in their lives. I offer a therapeutic approach to working with the mind and emotions, applying millennia-old Eastern principles to approach creativity and mindfulness.
Imparto clases y talleres sobre diferentes medios para dibujo, pintura abstracta, acuarela, arcilla, etc., en los cuales guío a mis estudiantes hacia la fuente de su creatividad, ayudándoles a encontrar motivación y significado en sus vidas. Ofrezco un enfoque terapéutico para trabajar con la mente y las emociones, aplicando principios orientales milenarios para abordar la creatividad y la atención plena.

Meditation Teaching & Retreats
I teach international courses and retreats on Buddhist meditations, Emotional Balance, and Contemplative Art, I like exploring the connections between psychology, art and spirituality.
More about my journey doing long term meditation retreats.
I lead two free weekly online guided meditation groups, one in Spanish one in English, where we meditate and discuss the topic of the week. Join below.
I also offer private coaching on mindfulness and art therapy in which I help people design and sustain a daily meditation practice and a creative way of expressing their emotions.
My passion for teaching was born from a decade of teaching Art and Meditation courses and retreats. I offer guidance to aspiring meditation practitioners as well as experienced practitioners wishing to do retreat.
I lead group retreats where we explore the mind, emotions and creativity in a peaceful environment. Visit my site ContemplArte for more resources.
Click the link below to register to our weekly meditation group, these sessions are completly free of charge.
Videos and Podcast
All the meditations and reflections from our weekly group are recorded so you can watch them later on my YT Channel or listen to them on The Peace and Mind Podcast. We practice Mindfulness, Shamatha, Vipashyana and other Buddhist meditations, Emotional Balance, and Meditation and we explore the connections between buddhism, psychology, art and spirituality. You can also find them on my Courses Page.
Todas las meditaciones y reflexiones de nuestro grupo semanal están grabadas para que puedas verlas más tarde en mi canal YT o escucharlas en Podcast Contemplarte. Practicamos Mindfulness, Shamatha, Vipashyana y otras meditaciones budistas, Equilibrio emocional y Meditación y exploramos las conexiones entre el budismo, la psicología, el arte y la espiritualidad. También puede encontrarlos en mi página de cursos.

Let's Get Started
Need a custom artwork, class, or coaching session?